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America’s immigration system is broken. Too many employers game the system by hiring undocumented workers and there are 11 million people living in the shadows. Neither is good for the economy or the country. Some people argue that migration is what helps our economy, but others argue that they're making it worse. Immigrants after the world wars mainly came from commonwealth countries. Immigration was encouraged by the government. Many immigrants provided labour for textile factories, transport, health or steelworks. People have moved from their home countries for centuries, for all sorts of reasons. Some are drawn to new places by ‘pull ‘ factors, others find it difficult to remain where they are and migrate because of ‘push’ factors. These have contributed to the recent movement of people here but are also the reason why people from here have emigrated to other countries. Migrant numbers have risen rapidly in the last decade. There are now thought to be over 200 million people in the world who live outside their country of birth. Migration isn't necessarily a bad thing for the country unless it is done illegally. Migration is what makes us a country. America has the iconic view for other countries. Personally, coming from my country, America is the key to a better future. It has more opportunities than other countries and that's why my family and I moved here. Everyone will have different opinions on migration and development, but it is a piece of America's puzzle.

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